.. index:: minimum membership .. _minimum-membership: Minimum membership of 2 years in the TUM-GS ************************************************ You must have been a member of the TUM-GS for **at least two years before submitting your dissertation**. .. Your membership starts on the day of your final registration in the doctoral candidacy list. .. Possible exceptions to this rule should be clarified with the respective graduate center in due time. More information is found in the `Wiki of the TUM-GS `_ .. index:: annual data confirmation in DocGS .. _data-confirmation: Annual data confirmation in DocGS ***************************************** Doctoral candidates and supervisors annually confirm the continuation of their doctoral projects and the timeliness of the relevant data. The data update takes place via the `online portal DocGS `_. **Please note that without timely confirmation your DocGS account will be blocked!** You will be automatically reminded of the deadlines, so it is very important that you save a current :ref:`email address ` in your `DocGS account `_ and check it regularly. More information is found in the `Wiki of the TUM-GS `_