.. _teaching-person: Individual teaching report ******************************** **Data is recorded via the new DSSNAT system:** https://app.srv.nat.tum.de/lufv/ Individual report for professors and civil servants =========================================================== All professors, academic advisors, senior advisors and directors must submit an individual report on their teaching performance to the School Office. To do this, please enter all teaching services provided and then print out the report ("Generate Report") and submit it signed to the School Office. You can ignore the points for the teaching system. .. _teaching-phd: Teaching report for scientific staff and PhD students ======================================================== The account holders themselves can edit entries for themselves, but these require confirmation by the management of the organisational unit or its authorised representative: https://app.srv.nat.tum.de/lufv/person A signed report has to be submitted to the School Office. .. figure:: files/report-teaching-web-gross-s.png A screenshot of a teaching report for a semester. Please note, that the printed report will not show entries with "0 LVS", like exams in the example. Notes on data to be entered =================================== When recording teaching performance by persons with authorisation at the organisational unit or the person themselves, the following data must be entered: 1. type of teaching service - see :ref:`table below ` 2. course - For services marked below with "only lecturers or similar in TUMonline", only courses in which the person is entered in TUMonline as a lecturer, contributor, leader or supervisor can be selected - if courses are missing because a short-term change of lecturer was not reported, please contact studium@nat.tum.de. 3. number of realisations of the service - For lectures/exercises/seminars etc., the unit is one hour - A complete semester is assumed to be 14 weeks, which is why a 2-SWS course corresponds to 28 units - Please note: the teaching obligation is reduced proportionately in the event of absences due to illness during the semester, which is why courses not held due to illness may not be entered (i.e. if a double course is cancelled or is held by a substitute, 26 instead of 28 units must be entered for the semester - for the substitute) - For practicals, the unit is half a day 4. number of students who were supervised in this individual course (or course group) at the same time - For exercises/practicals that are held in several parallel groups, the number of students in the individual group must be stated, not the total number of students in the entire course 5. block course - The course was held in block format (e.g. one week every day instead of once a week over the entire lecture period). The hours are to be converted to SWS with an assumed 14 weeks of lecture time. A maximum of eight hours per day can be scheduled. 6. Interdisciplinary - The course is held by two (or more) lecturers from different subject areas at the same time, so that both are present for the full time in the course and the full preparation time is necessary to bring in the different subject perspectives. 7. number of teachers who have held this individual course (or course group) together (e.g. read alternately, team teaching, ...) - If several teachers share a course, the teaching performance is generally divided equally (in the case of interdisciplinary teaching, twice the number of SWS is allocated) - If the teaching load is divided unequally, both participants enter their share with number of teaching staff = 1, whereby it must be ensured that only 100% of the SWS can be entered in total (maximum 200% in the case of interdisciplinary teaching) 8. As a rule, the comment is optional; only in the case of individual services must a comment specify more precisely which service was provided. - For Bachelor's and Master's theses, please state the student's matriculation number(s) .. _teaching-jobs: List of teaching services ============================= .. index:: LVS, teaching points, teaching activity Please note that there are :ref:`two units to "measure" the teaching contribution `, namely "LVS" (Lehrveranstaltungsstunden, teaching hours) and "teaching points". **LVS are the format legally required** to report the teaching activities (Lehrleistungsbericht) to the Board of Management of TUM and the Ministry for Education. **"Teaching points" can not be included into the official report** and are awarded as a courtesy of the School to honour and stimulate teaching and outreach activities that are formally not recognized as teaching activities. "Teaching points" with little or no LVS attached to them have to be balanced with teaching containing a higher fractin of LVS or additional teaching activities. The functioning of the entire system depends on the School **not awarding too many points** for teaching achievements with little or no corresponding LVS. If the number of reported LVS were too low, either the target for all would have to be increased or the points for individual teaching achievements would have to be reduced in order to balance the Lehrleistungsbericht. The basic rule for attributing teaching points, is to value the time spent on teaching and thus to **balance the time required for teaching activities** among PhD students and scientific staff in a fair manner: - One working hour spent on **core teaching activites** corresponds to about **12 teaching points**; - one working hour spent on **other teaching activities** corresponds to about **10 teaching points**. Please note, that, for example, it is neither possible nor intended to award more teaching points for time spent for a lab tour of high school students than for teaching a course in advanced quantum mechanics. As a general rule, for PhD students a minimum of 50% of the teaching points have to be obtained by core teaching activities like tutorials (Übungen) or practical courses, i.e. teaching in the presence of students. .. _table-teaching: .. csv-table:: :header-rows: 1 :delim: ; :widths: 4,2,1,1,4 :file: files/participation-tabelle-libre.de.csv