Submission of the thesis

Doctoral Thesis (“Dissertation”)

Having completed your research and the basic qualification program the doctoral examination process starts by submitting your doctoral thesis.

You will find a list of the required documents and the further steps at the TUM Graduate School’s Wiki. Some documents have to be submitted to the examinations office of TUM in Munich (by mail / internal mail or personally).

After the examination office examined your documents they will be sent to the Dean’s Office. Here we start organising the oral exam.

Remark on the dates of handing in and the oral exam

At the TUM School of Natural Sciences your thesis submission date is not bound by the meeting dates of the School Council. But keep the following in mind:

Qualification program of TUM GS

As a Graduate Center of Natural Sciences member, you must provide the report on the qualification program in advance. This can be done in person or you send the signed report by (internal) mail.

The submission process involves DocGS, the TUM-GS platform. Once you’ve submitted your report to us, there will be a short processing time before the section for submitting your thesis becomes active in DocGS.

Members of other (thematic) Graduate Centers need to contact their graduate center to make sure that the qualification program is fully documented in DocGS, and you may hand in the thesis.

Earliest possible exam date

The deadline for the decision of the faculty according to §12 S. 2 PromO (Umlaufverfahren) was set to one week by the Dean. The deadline for the announcement of the oral exam according to §14 (2) PromO is one week. This results in the fact that the exam date can not be earlier than three weeks after all written reports from the examiners were received by the Dean’s Office! This includes the time required to handle the documents given the deadlines but please keep in mind that delays might happen for various other reasons.