Qualification program

The core of your doctoral studies is your research work in collaboration with your group and other research partners. Additionally, the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences offers a wide range of opportunities for subject-related and interdisciplinary qualification.

Mandatory elements of the qualification program have to be completed and confirmed before the submission of your PhD thesis.

Good scientific practice

The rules of good scientific practice are part of the supervision agreement. They are taught by the supervisors. In addition the Faculty Graduate Center Physics regularly offers workshops and other courses on this topic.

See especially

Mandatory elements of the qualification program

The following elements of the qualification program in their minimal form are a requirement to submit your thesis, if you entered the doctoral candidacy list after 1st of January 2014. The actual courses and elements taken have to be discussed with your supervisor and should be included in the Supervision Agreement and the project plan.

Further information about the qualification program

There are also Optional elements of the qualification program, including Internationalisation funds of the TUM Graduate School.

There is a separate section on Reporting and confirmation of the qualification program.

Optional elements of the qualification program

Funding for internationalization measures are part of the optional qualification program

Reporting and confirmation of the qualification program


The former database system for physics is no longer available.

All members of the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences enter their qualification elements into the DSSNAT database:



The supervisor or the head of the chair has to confirm your participation in teaching before you can import it for the qualification program. Your supervisor could either confirm it digitally in DSSNAT or by printing and signing the corresponding PDF documents.

Please report any problems or suggestions for improvements to promotion@nat.tum.de! Please include a screenshot.

No direct entries in DocGS!

Please do not enter any qualification elements in DocGS! In due course, we will transfer the data from the DSSNAT database to DocGS. Please note that we only accept Leistungsanträge (reports on qualification elements) that do meet the quality criteria of the TUM School of Natural Sciences and are entered in DSSNAT!

Please ensure that your entries are free of errors and complete before printing. If you correct some errors or add items, please print and submit the updated PDF! (It is not sufficient to correct or add an entry in the database.)

We will transfer your data to the final certificate in precisely the same way.

Shortly before your doctoral thesis is to be submitted, please print out the PDF confirmation, sign it, get it confirmed by your supervisor and hand it in at the Graduate Center NAT.

Your supervisor has to confirm the elements of your qualification program (as well as the Graduate Center NAT). Please ensure your supervisor has all the required receipts and proofs readily available when the report is signed.


All members of the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences enter their qualification elements into the DSSNAT database:


The former database system for physics is no longer available.


All members of the Graduate Center of Natural Sciences enter their qualification elements into the DSSNAT database:


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