Elective Courses in the Focus Areas of M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology

Master’s students of the interdisciplinary program Quantum Science & Technology can choose courses for their focus area out of an extensive and dynamic catalog, covering nearly all research topics pursued at the LMU and TUM and affiliated institutions.

For the QST Master’s program you have to earn 30 CP (ECTS) in the focus areas. You may choose freely over all focus areas. A maximum of one module from the QST Special Topics catalog can be included in the curriculum. To ensure a broad coverage of topics a consultation by a mentor is required (documented by signature on the mentoring form). Further information on this can be found on the following website Mentors' meeting QST.

Focus Areas

Information about the catalog of the focus areas

The modules in the focus areas are updated by the examination board before the beginning of an academic year.