Latest News on Academic Affairs

Study | TUM | Global

EuroTeQ Course Catalogue 2024/25 | Open until July 29, 2024

The EuroTeQ Course Catalogue offers a diverse selection of courses that provide students with unique learning opportunities in a wide range of engineering, technology and entrepreneurship disciplines.

TUM | Event
19-07-24 to 19-07-24 

Bioengineering Day 2024: Science Slam

Speech is silver, slamming is golden!

Join us for our Bioengineering Day at the Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering. This year we have a special surprise for you. Six science slams feature scientists presenting exciting research from our Integrative Research Institute. From hearing prostheses to nanorobots, you can expect entertaining and fascinating insights into science, medicine, and bioengineering.

Be there and cheer on our slammers with us!

Study | Doctorate | Diversity | TUM

Women in STEM Round Table @ TUM | Edition 4: Consulting

Women in STEM Round Table: What it’s like to work in a profession where there are (yet) only a few of you.

Diversity | TUM

Gender & Diversity @ TUM Sustainability Day

Our School together with ED, CIT and TUM Gender Equality Office will be present on Wednesday, June 12 starting from 12h at TUM Sustainability Day’s Fair of Opportunities.

Foto: Franziska Zhu / TUM
Study | Global | TUM

Thesis abroad: PROMOS application deadline ends on 31.05.2024

Until 31.05.2024 (24:00h), applications can be submitted for stays abroad that are mainly after 01.06.2024, e.g. from May to October.

Master | Doctorate | TUM | Diversity
|  18:00 to 20:00

First Generation Academics: Your Successful Doctoral Journey at TUM

The first in the family to study or do a doctorate? Statistics show that this is by no means a matter of course. First Generation Academics are less likely to pursue higher education after completing their secondary education – and the percentage of First Generation Academics decreases even further by the time they reach the doctoral phase.

Study | Chemistry | Master | Bachelor
08-05-24 to 11-06-24 

Save-the-Date: Information event on the Master's degree program specializations in Chemistry on June 3rd and 10th

The presentation of Master of Chemistry specializations will take place on Monday, June 3rd, and Monday, June 10th, starting at 2:00 PM respectively in the Ivar-Ugi Auditorium. The event is aimed at students in the 5th and 6th semesters of the Bachelor's program.

Study | Doctorate | Master
25-04-24 to 17-05-24 

PrepDoc program

You have a passion for research and consider a doctoral degree from your Alma Mater, TUM? Would you like to know how to approach a potential supervisor and explore the various paths to a doctorate?

Look no further than the PrepDoc program, offered by the TUM Graduate School from April 25 to May 17.

Study | Doctorate | Diversity | TUM

Women in STEM Round Table @ TUM | Edition 3: Breakfast & Networking

Women in STEM Round Table: What it’s like to work in a profession where there are (yet) only a few of you

Study | Doctorate | TUM

Netzwerken für studierende Eltern - Familiencafe am 23.01.2024

Über Themen wie Vereinbarkeit von Studium und Kind (ern), fehlende Kinderbetreuung, Finanzierung oder Planung des Studiums können (werdende) Studierendenmütter und -väter untereinander oder auch mit Fachpersonen aus dem Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern, der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, der Hochschule München sowie aus unserem TUM Familienservice in Dialog treten.

Study | Doctorate | TUM

Netzwerken für studierende Eltern - Familiencafe am 23.04.2024

Über Themen wie Vereinbarkeit von Studium und Kind (ern), fehlende Kinderbetreuung, Finanzierung oder Planung des Studiums können (werdende) Studierendenmütter und -väter untereinander oder auch mit Fachpersonen aus dem Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern, der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, der Hochschule München sowie aus unserem TUM Familienservice in Dialog treten.

Study | Physics | Chemistry | Global
14-12-23 to 20-01-24 

Last Call: EuroTeQ Course Catalogue 2024 (Deadline 19th January 2024)

From December 11th to January 19th at 11:59 PM CET, you once again have the opportunity to enroll in courses at one of the EuroTeQ partner universities for the upcoming semester. Detailed information on the procedure can be found on the TUM Global & Alumni Office website.

Study | Global | Physics

Infoevent | Going abroad with Erasmus+ and SEMP (PP Physics)

Would you like to get to know your European neighbors and expand your professional, linguistic and intercultural skills? With the exchange programs Erasmus+ and SEMP, the TUM enables about 1,000 students per year to spend an unforgettable stay abroad in 32 European countries. Take advantage of the benefits of Erasmus+/SEMP and gain valuable study experience abroad.

Students in front of lecture hall 1 in MI building
Study | Physics | Chemistry | Bachelor | Master

Exam Registration in TUMonline between 2022-11-20 and 2024-01-15

Exam registration for the modules of WS 2023/4 in TUMonline is open till 15th of January 2024 regularly. For the module exams within the GOP registration is mandatory and not showing up results in not passing.

Tutorial in physics studies. Photo: A. Heddergott / TUM
TUM | Start of studies

Information on the start of studies for the winter semester 2024/25

The student council MPIC organizes an introductory event at the beginning of each semester for the new first-year students (Bachelor and Master). Additionally, there is further important information and guidance on our Academics page before the start of studies.

Study | Physics | Master

Semester Rankings for SS 2023 in M.Sc. programs of PP Physics

Semester rankings for summer semester 2023 in the Master’s programs of the Professional Profile Physics (M.Sc. Physics (...), M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics and M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology) are available now.

Study | Physics | Bachelor | Master

Semester Rankings for WS 2023/4 in the degree programs of PP Physics

Semester rankings for winter semester 2023/24 in the B.Sc. Physics program, the M.Sc. Physics programs, the M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology, and the M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics are available now.

Study | Physics | Bachelor

Semester Rankings for SS 2023 in B.Sc. Physics

Semester rankings for summer semester 2023 in the B.Sc. Physics program are available now.