Curriculum M. Sc. Chemie

In the Master's program in Chemistry, modern chemistry is integrated with a research-oriented, interdisciplinary, hands-on, and specialized education. The program aims for a very high specialization in chemical subject matter. Students independently choose their desired specialization. Additionally, students select general education modules to strengthen their non-disciplinary competencies. A total of 120 credit points (CP) must be achieved. Further information, including the subject examination and study regulations, can be found on the central TUM page for the M.Sc. Chemistry program.

For detailed information on the Master's program, refer to an overview provided by Prof. Wolfgang Eisenreich.

From the following four subject areas, students choose their first study focus amounting to 30 credit points (CP):

For the second study focus, students have a choice of 13 subject disciplines, covering both traditional chemical fields and the latest developments and trends in chemistry (amounting to 30 CP):

Basis for the module selection of the study focuses and elective modules is the current FPSO (framework examination regulations) for the Master's program in Chemistry.

  1. First and second focus: For the first study focus, you must select modules totaling 30 credits from the catalog defined in the FPSO for the examination modules; for the second study focus, modules totaling 30 credits must be chosen from the catalog defined in the FPSO for the examination modules. Selecting two identical focuses is not allowed.
  2. Elective modules: You must complete elective modules totaling at least 20 credits. Among these, elective modules with general education content totaling at least three credits must be included. All selectable modules in the elective area can be found in the study plan in TUMonline. Additionally, 10 CP must be obtained from the elective area Research Internship.
  3. Recognition: If you wish to have credits earned during the Bachelor's program recognized in the Master's program, you must register with the Chemistry Study Office within one year.

Merkblatt zur Wahl der Studienschwerpunkte und der Wahlmodule (only in German)

Formular zur Wahl der Studienschwerpunkte  (only in German)

A typically research-oriented Master's Thesis (30 CP) concludes the program. Registration for the thesis is possible upon reaching 75 CP and is done through the examination committee using the "Application for Admission to the Master's Thesis" form.


Depending on the choice of study focus, elective modules selected, and the topic of the Master's thesis, students may request a certificate, signed by the examination board, within one year after completing their Master's examination. This certificate verifies that the Master's degree was obtained in accordance with one of the research focuses established by the TUM School of Natural Sciences.

Total number of ECTS: 70

  • 30 ECTS from the list of relevant lectures below
  • research internship (10 ECTS) in a relevant field
  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS) research internship (10 ECTS) in a relevant field

Contact: Prof. Heiz

Authorized signatories (verification of the content of the Master's Thesis and research internships):

Inorganic Chemistry: Prof. Rupp

Physical Chemistry: Prof. Heiz

Technical Chemistry: Prof. Strunk






Main Group Element-Based (Energy) Materials



Hybrid Materials - Structure-Function-Relationships



Solid State Materials: From Design, Chemistry to Functional Devices



Applied Electrochemistry



Fundamental Electrochemistry



Mechanisms in Photocatalysis



Inorganic Nanomaterials



High Performance Polymers


Total number of ECTS: 70

  • 30 ECTS from the list of relevant lectures below
  • research internship (10 ECTS) in a relevant field
  • Master's Thesis (30 ECTS) research internship (10 ECTS) in a relevant field


Contact: Prof. Heiz

Authorized signatories (verification of the content of the Master's Thesis and research internships):

Inorganic Chemistry: Prof. Kühn

Physical Chemistry: Prof. Heiz

Technical Chemistry: apl Prof. Jentys






Coordination Chemistry - Structure-Function-Relationships



Organometallics: Principles and Applications



Clusters and Nanoparticles: Fundamentals and Applications in Catalysis



Industrial Chemical Processes 1 - Catalysis for Energy



Industrial Chemical Processes 2 - Catalysis for Synthesis



Technical Biocatalysis



Fundamentals of Catalysis



Methods in Catalysis



Catalysis in Industrial Practice



Metal-organic and Biocatalysis


Inorganic Chemistry (First or second study focus)

  • Exercise & Seminar
  • Type of examination: Oral exam

To the module CH3000 Instrumental Methods in Inorganic Chemistry

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To the module CH3001 Research Internship in Inorganic Chemistry 1

2 modules from the following elective areas are required

  • CH0156 Drug Discovery Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH0156)
  • CH3003 Coordination Chemistry - Structure-Function-Relationships, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module descpription CH3003)
  • CH3004 Organometallics: Principles and Applications, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3004)
  • CH3005 Main Group Molecular Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3005)

  • CH3006 Main Group Element-Based (Energy) Materials, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3006)
  • CH3007 Electronic Structure of Inorganic Molecules and Solids 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3007)
  • CH3008 Hybrid Materials - Structure-Function-Relationships, 5 CP, Lecture & Seminar, type of examination: presentation (module description CH3008)
  • CH3009 Solid State Materials: From Design, Chemistry to Functional Devices, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3009)

Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry (First or second study focus)

  • Exercise & Seminar
  • Type of examination: Oral exam

To the module CH3031 Molecular Life Sciences

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To the module CH3032 Lab Rotation Organic Chemistry 1

3 modules from the elective area of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry are required

  • CH3034 Quantum Mechanical Basics of NMR-Spectroscopy, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3034)
  • CH3035 Catalytic Methods in Organic Synthesis, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3035)
  • CH3037 Molecular Biotechnology, 5 CP, Lecture & Seminar, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3037)
  • CH3038 Organic Photochemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3038)
  • CH3039 Bioorganic Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3039)
  • CH3040 Advanced NMR, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3040)
  • CH3043 Heterocyclic Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3043)
  • CH3044 Protein Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (70%) & presentation (30%) (module description CH3044)
  • CH3216 Supramolecular Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3216)
  • NAT0200 Physical Organic Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description NAT0200)

Physical Chemistry (First or second study focus)

  • Lab Course & Seminar
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To the module CH3061 Experimental Methods in Physical Chemistry

4 modules from the elective area of Physical Chemistry are required

  • CH3063 Applied Electrochemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3063)
  • CH3065 Fundamental Electrochemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3065)
  • CH3066 Mechanisms in Photocatalysis, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3066)
  • CH3067 Clusters and Nanoparticles: Fundamentals and Applications in Catalysis, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3067)
  • CH3068 Surface Spectroscopy and Microscopy, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3068)
  • CH3070 Time-dependent Spectroscopy, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3070)
  • CH3337 Symmetry and Group Theory, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3337)

The following modules of physical chemistry can be taken as part of the elective area "Advanced Chemical Modules". These modules are not part of the "Physical Chemistry" focus.

Technical Chemistry (First oder second study focus)

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3091 Lab Rotation Technical Chemistry 1

2 modules from the elective area of Industrial Chemical Processes and Reactor Design are required

  • CH3093 Interfaces and Technology of Particles, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3093)
  • CH3094 Industrial Chemical Processes 1 - Catalysis for Energy, 5 CP, Lecture & Seminar, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3094)
  • CH3095 Industrial Chemical Processes 2 - Catalysis for Synthesis, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3095)
  • CH5139 Design of Chemical Reactors, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH5139)

2 modules from the elective area of Technical Macromolecular Chemistry and Biochemistry are required

Analytical Chemistry (Second study focus)

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description NAT0172 Research Internship Analytical Chemistry

2 modules from the elective area of Analytical Chemistry are required

  • NAT0173 Case Studies in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Type of examination: Exercise performance (module description NAT0173)
  • CH3126 Aerosol Characterization, 5 CP, Lecture and Lab course, type of examination: exam circuit (module description CH3126)
  • CH3127 Modern Mass Spectrometry: Instrumentation and Applications, 5 CP, Lecture and exercise, type of examination: project work (module description CH3127)

Construction Chemistry (Second study focus)

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description NAT0181 Research Internship Construction Chemistry

3 modules from the elective area of Construction Chemistry are required

  • NAT0182 Construction Chemistry 2 - Inorganics and Polymers in Composites, 5 CP, Lecture & Lab Course, type of examination: written exam (module description NAT0182)
  • NAT0183 Inorganic Structural Materials, 5 CP, Lecture & Lab Course, type of examination: written exam (module description NAT0183)
  • NAT0184 Inorganic Nanomaterials, 5 CP, Lecture & Lab Course, type of examination: written exam (module description NAT0184)
  • CH3211  Basics of Macromolecular Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3211)
  • CH3098 High Performance Polymers, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3098)
  • CH3007 Electronic Structure of Inorganic Molecules and Solids, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3007)
  • NAT0100 Powder Diffraction in Materials Science, 5 CP, Exercise, type of examination: Oral exam (module description NAT0100)

Biological Chemistry (Second study focus)

  • Lecture
  • type of examination: written exam

To module description CH0226 Molecular Medicine

  • Lecture & Seminar
  • type of examination: written exam

To module description CH3181 Biological Chemistry

2 modules from the elective area of Biological Chemistry are required

Macromolecules, Colloids, and Interfaces (Second study focus)

  • Lecture with exercise
  • type of examination: written exam

To module description CH3211 Basics of Macromolecular Chemistry

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3212 Research Internship Macromolecular Chemistry

One module from the elective area of Macromolecular Chemistry is required

  • CH3213 Modern Aspects and Catalysis in Macromolecular Chemistry, 7 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3213)
  • CH3214 Modern Aspects and Industrial Applications of Macromolecular Chemistry, 7 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3214)

2 modules from the elective area of Functional Materials are required

  • CH3098 High Performance Polymers, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3098)
  • CH3099 Technical Polymerisation, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3099)
  • CH3216 Supramolecular Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3216)
  • CH3218 Functional Nanomaterials, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3218)
  • CH0300 Applied Biopolymers and Biomaterialsn, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH0300)

Catalysis (Second study focus)

  • Lecture with exercise
  • type of examination: written exam

To module description CH3241 Fundamentals of Catalysis

  • Lecture & Seminar
  • type of examination: written exam

To module description CH3242 Methods in Catalysis

  • Lab Course
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3243 Fundamentals and Applied Catalysis - Lab Course

2 modules from the elective area of Catalysis are required

  • CH3094 Industrial Chemical Processes 1 - Catalysis for Energy, 5 CP, Lecture with Exercise, Type of examination: written exam (module description CH3094)
  • CH3246 Catalysis in Industrial Practice, 5 CP, Lecture with Exercise, Type of examination: oral exam (module description CH3246)
  • NAT0160 Design Principles for Homogeneous Catalysts, 5 CP, Lecture with Exercise, Type of examination: oral exam (module description NAT0160)

Food Chemistry (Second study focus)

  • Vorlesung
  • Prüfungsart: Klausur

To the module WZ1900 Special Food Chemistry

  • Forschungspraktikum
  • Prüfungsart: Laborleistung & Wissenschaftliche Ausarbeitung

To the module WZ1911 Project Thesis / Research Laboratory Course

One module from the elective area of Food Chemistry is required

  • WZ1330 Einführung in die Chemoinformatik und Bioninformatik für Lebensmittelwissenschaften, 5 CP, Vorlesung & Seminar, Prüfungsart: Klausur
  • WZ1901 Strukturanalytik von Naturstoffen, 6 CP, Vorlesung, Prüfungsart: Klausur (module description WZ1901)
  • WZ1909 Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätssicherung, inklusive Besichtigung einschlägiger Betrieben, 5 CP, Vorlesung & Exkursion, Prüfungsleistung: Klausur (module description WZ1909)

Material Chemistry (Second study focus)

  • Research internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3272 Research Internship in Materials Chemistry

3 modules from the elective area of Material Chemistry are required

  • CH3006 Main Group Element-Based (Energy) Materials, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3006)
  • CH3007 Electronic Structure of Inorganic Molecules and Solids, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3007)
  • CH3065 Fundamental Electrochemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3065)
  • NAT0184 Inorganic Nanomaterials, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: written exam (module description NAT0184)

Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry (Second study focus)

Modules according to the Änderungssatzung of January 20, 2025. For older module assignments, please refer to the respective Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung.

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description NAT0150 Research Internship Pharmaceutical Radiochemistry

2 modules from the elective area of Medicinal Chemistry of Radiopharmaceuticals are required

  • CH3305 Radioactivity, Radioanalysis and Production of Radiopharmaceuticals (Lecture), 5 CP, Lecture, type of examination: oral exam (module description CH3005)
  • CH3006 Radioactivity, Radioanalysis and Production of Radiopharmaceuticals (Laboratory Practical Course, 5 CP, Lab course, type of examination: Laboratory performance (module description CH3006)
  • CH3307 Special Aspects of Radiopharmacy, 5 CP, Lecture, type of examination: written exam (module description CH3307)
  • CH0156 Drug Discovery Chemistry, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: oral exam (module description CH0156)

Theoretical Chemistry (Second study focus)

  • Lab Course
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3331 Advanced Programming and Numerical Methods

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3332 Research Internship in Theoretical Chemistry

4 modules from the elective area of Theoretical Chemistry are required

  • CH3333 Advanced Electronic Structure, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: oral exam (module description CH3333)
  • CH3334 Methods of Molecular Simulation, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: oral exam (module description CH3334)
  • CH3335 Quantum Dynamics and Spectroscopy, 5 CP, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: oral exam (module description CH3335)
  • CH3336 Solid State Theory, 5 CP, Vorlesung & Übung, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: oral exam (module description CH3336)
  • CH3337 Symmetry and Group Theory, Vorlesung & Übung, Lecture with exercise, type of examination: oral exam (module description CH3337)

Elective Modules: Research Internship

From the elective area 'Research Internship,' 10 CP must be earned.

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3002 Research Internship in Inorganic Chemistry 2

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3033 Lab Rotation Organic Chemistry 2

  • Research Internship & Seminar
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3062 Research Internship Physical Chemistry

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3092 Lab Rotation Technical Chemistry 2

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description CH3272 Research Internship in Materials Chemistry

  • Research internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description NAT0151 Research Internship Food Chemistry (Elective)

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description NAT0181 Research Internship Construction Chemistry

  • Research Internship
  • Type of examination: Laboratory performance

To module description NAT0152 Research Internship Analytical Chemistry 2