Theory courses

Master's students can choose their special courses in physics out of an extensive and dynamic catalog, covering nearly all research topics pursued in our School and affiliated institutions.

For your Master's program in physics you have to pass 40 CP (ECTS) in theory and special courses. 10 CP of these have to be from the theory catalog of your Master's program. Up to 10 CP may (and should) be chosen from the complementary offer (i. e. not from the specific catalog). If you would like to deviate from this rule (if you would like to take less than 10 CP from the complementary offer), this needs to be confirmed by your mentor (by signature on the mentoring form). Modules from the theory catalog of your Master’s program exceeding the 10 CP are counted as specific special courses.

After the second semester in the master you must have passed at least 10 CP of the special courses.

Catalog for Applied and Engineering Physics

NAT3002Advanced Statistical PhysicsKnolle, Johannesmehr
NAT3031Computational Materials PhysicsEgger, Davidmehr
PH1007Continuum MechanicsZacharias, Martinmehr
PH2256Quantum Many-Body PhysicsClassen, Lauramehr