Curriculum M. Sc. Chemical Engineering

On the central TUM page for the Chemical Engineering program, you will find further information including the subject examination and study regulations.

Compulsory Modules

  • Lecture
  • Examinations
  • Type of examination: written exam

To module MW0006 Heat and Mass Transfer

  • Lecture
  • Examination
  • Type of examination: written exam

To module description CH5139 Design of Chemical Reactors

  • Lecture
  • Examinations
  • Type of examination: written exam

To module MW0437 Process and Plant Engineering

  • Lecture
  • Examinations
  • Type of examination: written exam

To module MW0018 Bioprocesses

  • Research internship
  • Type of examination: Scientific paper
  • Can be completed in semesters 1-3

To module description CH0161 Term Paper

Scientific thesis at a chair or research group. The Master's Thesis can be registered prematurely if at least 60 credits have been earned, of which at least the Semester Project module must be successfully completed.

Elective Area Orientation

In the Elective Area Orientation, modules totaling 15 CP must be completed from the following list. Modules can be chosen from one or more categories in this table.

Elective Area Free Subject Choice

In the Elective Area Free Subject Choice, modules totaling 5 CP must be completed. The choice includes both chemical and engineering modules.

Elective Area Mandatory Study Abroad

In the Elective Area Mandatory Study Abroad, modules totaling 20 CP must be completed.

During the study abroad period, a research internship worth 20 CP must be completed.

If you are not required to study abroad, you must complete a research internship worth 14 CP at TUM. Additionally, you must complete a subject-specific module worth 3 CP and a general education module worth 3 CP.

Elective Area Industry Internship/Study Achievement

In the Elective Area Industry Internship/Study Achievement, modules totaling 10 CP must be completed.

The internship placement in the industry must be independently arranged. The internship must comprise 10 CP.

As an alternative to the industry internship, subject-specific modules worth at least 3 CP each and additional general education modules worth at least 3 CP each can be completed at TUM. In total, 10 CP must be achieved. The modules are recorded as ungraded study achievements.