Counseling and contact
At TUM School of Natural Sciences, Oksana Storcheva and Katja Block are available as contact persons for students with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses. We will advise you on study organization such as leave of absence and extension of study time, challenges in everyday study life and compensation for disadvantages according to your personal situation.
In order to enable students with disabilities or chronic illnesses to study with equal opportunities, various measures such as compensation for disadvantages or a leave of absence can be applied for. General information can be found on the central pages of the TUM Student Advisory Service.
Compensation for disadvantages in studies are measures that compensate for difficulties in the course of studies and examinations due to impairments. Compensation for disadvantages is always designed on an individual and situation-specific basis and is not awarded across the board. They depend, for example, on the effects of the impairment and the respective subject.
Since, on the one hand, the requirements of your field of study, including the examination conditions, must be taken into account and, on the other hand, the effects of a disability or chronic illness are very individual, a personal interview is usually necessary. Contact us and let us advise you on the options that are suitable for you in your particular situation!
In the case you may not participate in an exam due to sickness, you should see a doctor to attest your condition in a medical certificate ("Attest"). The examination board of your program is always responsible for withdrawals from examinations and the recognition of certificates!
Please also refer to the pages on the subject of recognized withdrawal from examinations, in the event of sickness for instance.
The balancing act between top-class sport and studies is challenging. In order for both to succeed in the best possible way, a well thought-out organization and structuring of the athletic and academic career is necessary. To make this possible for top athletes, the Technical University of Munich has signed a cooperation agreement with the Bavarian Olympic Training Center as part of the "Partner University of Elite Sports" project.
The aim of this cooperation is to design study and framework conditions in such a way that top-class sporting commitment is compatible with an academic education. Specifically, there is, for example, support with more flexible study planning or the individualization of submission and examination dates. Please contact us for further details.
Since 01.01.2018 female students have been included in the scope of the new Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetzt) for the first time. This is intended to protect the health of pregnant and nursing students and their children and to enable them to continue their studies without danger. Disadvantages during pregnancy, after childbirth and during the breastfeeding period, which may arise in the context of university education, are to be counteracted.
You can find further information on maternity protection during your studies at TUM homepage.
You are not obligated to inform us about your pregnancy. You need to be aware, however, that you are only entitled to the protective measures of the maternity protection act if you actively notify TUM that you are pregnant. We therefore recommend that you contact us as early as possible.
Further offers to support you during your studies
- Advisory Network of the Munich Student Union - e.g. Psychotherapeutic and Psychosocial Counselling Service, Advice for Students Expecting or With a Child
- Evangelische Hochschulgemeinde TUM (Protestant college community) and Katholische Hochschulgemeinde TUM (Catholic college community) - Counseling and pastoral care
- Nightline München - phone helpline by students for students
- Psychological Service for foreigners - A culturally sensitive counselling in the native language from Caritas
- ProLehre | Media and Didactics – Study skills, workshops and individual learning advice
- TUM Academic Coaching - Support with learning difficulties and exam stress
- TUM4Mind – Mental Health during your studies
- TUM Family Service - information, advice and services on the compatibility of career or study and family life
- Selbsthilfezentrum München - Advice and referral to self-help groups in Munich
- Further external links to various points of support and crisis assistance in the event of psychological stress or psychiatric illnesses