Research phase and master thesis in the Master's degree program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics

In the final year of the Master's degree program, you will have the unique opportunity to conduct research on exciting topics within the specialty of the program. You can choose from a variety of working groups and projects.

To the scope of the one year research phase (60 ECTS) belong firstly, the development of the necessary special knowledge within a cutting-edge research line and secondly, the acquisition of the corresponding experimental or theoretical skills, that are necessary for the realization of the research project within the frame of the Master's thesis. Each of these steps conforms a module, the Master's seminar and the Master's work experience. Both modules belong intrinsically together and account in total for 30 ECTS. Subsequently, the independent research project can be carried out as part of the Master's thesis, which corresponding module comprises 30 ECTS. The research phase is completed with the Master's colloquium, the defense of the Master's thesis, within this module.

During the research phase, the fulfilment of an independent scientific work is tighly connected with the acquisition of additional skills, such as project management, team work as well as the depiction and presentation of scientific results.


Master' seminar

Literature research and specialization



Master's work experience

Literature research and specialization



Master' sthesis








*: PL="Prüfungsleistung" graded exam, SL="Studienleistung" non graded exam (pass/fail)

To find a topic, please contact the possible BEMP thesis supervisors yourself.

The thesis supervisors have the possibility to advertise topics.

List of advertised topics (BEMP)  

However, not all possible topics are advertised, so it is advisable to ask the thesis supervisors directly. Other topics may also arise during the discussion.

Furthermore, it is advisable to start searching for a suitable topic early, about one semester in advance. In a personal interview, you can quickly see whether a topic appeals to you and whether you feel comfortable in the group. We discourage you from simple e-mail exchange, as it is usually not successful.

Temporarily, topics may also be announced in a Moodle-Course.

The registration to all modules belonging to the research phase is done at once, normally at the beginning of the third Master's semester. After agreeing on a topic with the future supervisor, the registration takes place via the thesis application in the Digital School Services, see the FAQ article for a description of the process.

After six months the Master's thesis should begin. Passing the Master's seminar and the Master's work experience will be recorded in TUMonline and you are officially allowed to start the thesis. Please contact the Student Academic Advisor, if you have any questions or doubts during the research phase.

Before handing in the Master's thesis, you must fill in the final titel of the thesis in the database and upload an electronic copy (PDF-file). Handing in paper copies is not required in the M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. The status of your research phase and the upload is available in the thesis application of the Digital School Services. You can find a description of the hand-in process in the FAQ article on Handing in Your Thesis.

Extension of the deadline is only possible for good reasons. See FAQ on Thesis extension.

The Master's thesis will be evaluated by the supervisor and a second examiner. The second examiner is appointed by the examination board on suggestion of the supervisor (at the earliest after official registration of Master’s thesis).

The supervisor and the second examiner will also grade the Master's colloquium, which completes the research phase. The Master’s colloquium is organised and conducted by the supervisor together with the second examiner. The Master’s colloquium takes approximately 60 minutes, consisting of a 30 minutes talk and 30 minutes examination. Naturally, the inclusion of the colloquium in a group seminar is possible.

For any examination you must be enrolled as a student of TUM. Hence you need to re-enroll for one semester more e.g. if you hand in your Master’s thesis or your Master’s colloquium takes place after the current semester ends. With a due date for your thesis or a scheduled date for the colloquium e.g. in October, you should not forget to re-enroll for the winter semester and the corresponding deadline would be August 15.