Submitting your Thesis using the Digital School Services
You must submit the final version of your thesis to the Examinations Board by the submission deadline specified in the registration form.
Depending on the study program, it may be necessary to submit paper copies in addition to a digital PDF version. This is indicated in the confirmation e-mails upon registration and on the letter of submission. Further information about the thesis can be found on the pages of the respective study program.
Enter Title and Language
Before submitting your thesis, in case the working title given at the time of registration has changed, you need to replace it with the final title that you have agreed with your supervisor. In principle, the title must be given in both German and English - the translation must also be agreed with the supervisor. In addition, if not already done at the time of registration, the language in which the thesis has been written needs to be stated.
For the formatting of thesis titles, in particular the use of special characters, superscript/subscript and similar markup, please refer to the FAQ article on the format of the thesis.
A LaTeX version of the thesis title, if provided, is necessary for the presentation during the graduation ceremony. A LaTeX version should be provided if you are coming to the graduation ceremony and have used HTML markup in your title or have to rewrite special characters (e.g. ∓ rewritten with -/+).
Research Field for Statistical Purposes
For statistical purposes, please kindly indicate the matching research fields. You can select one or more suitable research fields and weight them differently, if required.
Upload a PDF of your Thesis
You need to upload a PDF copy of your thesis. There are only a few formal requirements for the electronic version of the thesis - please pay attention to the information on the pages of your study program and in the FAQ article on the format of the thesis.
Of course, it must be ensured that the reviewers can display, read and print the PDF file. Fonts should therefore be embedded and encryption should be avoided. The first page of the PDF file (cover page) must contain the title of the thesis and the author(s).
The declaration according to §18 (9) APSO that you have written the thesis independently and have not used any sources and aids other than those specified is included in the submission letter, which is created by the system. You can remove comparable declarations from thesis templates that you have received from other sources.
Submission Letter
As soon as you have customized the title, language and research fields and uploaded the PDF copy, you can generate and download the submission letter. This is specific to the PDF copy you have just uploaded - if you upload a new version of the PDF copy, you will need to regenerate the submission letter.
If you have to submit paper copies in your degree program, attach them to the printed and personally signed submission letter and send everything per post to the responsible Students' Office, drop it in the mailbox of the Students' Office or hand it personally in there.
If you do not have to submit paper copies in your study program, you can provide the PDF file with a qualified electronic signature as an alternative to printing and signing the submission letter by hand. As the electronic signature replaces a handwritten signature, an increased level of trust with proof of identity is required. You will in general need an official ID document with an eID function (ID card, electronic residence permit).
Submission date
In principle, the thesis is considered submitted when the submission letter with a valid signature and any necessary paper copies have been received by the Students' Office. However, if you send the submission letter immediately, the date of uploading the PDF copy will be considered the official submission date.