Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics)

Discover the amazing power of physics through its applications: Our English-taught Master program in Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics) covers research topics in physics related to applications and engineering aspects from all research areas of our Physics Department. Learn all about lasers, particle detectors, super strong magnets, solar cells, biosensors and much more!

Our Master's degree program in Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics) is a two-year international graduate program, designed to give students an insight into current research trends and new developments in modern physics.

The general structure of all our Master's degree programs in Physics is similar. It is described on the curriculum page of the Master's degree program in Physics.

Specialization Areas

Including topics such as magnetism, semiconductor physics, applied superconductivity, spin electronics...

Including topics such as fuel cells, energy conversion, reactor physics and nuclear technology, nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, renewable energy.

Including topics such as physics with neutrons, modern x-ray physics, advanced materials analysis with synchrotron radiation, magnetic measurement methods.

Including topics such as particle detectors, particle physics with highest energy particle colliders, computational physics, data analysis and Monte Carlo methods.

Including topics such as image processing in physics, biomedical physics.

Including topics such as nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanostructured soft materials, surface and nanoscale science.

Including the special courses

  • PH2035 Plasma Physics 1
  • PH2036 Plasma Physics 2
  • PH2196 Fusion Research
  • PH2050 Reactor Physics 1 and Applications of Nuclear Technology    
  • PH2051 Reactor Physics and new Concepts in Nuclear Technology 2

and the recommended student seminar

  • PH1326 Plasmaphysics and Fusion Research or
  • PH1376 Seminar Plasma Physics

including special courses like

  • PH2046 Polymer Physics 1
  • PH2047 Polymer Physics 2
  • PH2048 Nanostructured Soft Materials 1
  • PH2049 Nanostructured Soft Materials 2
  • PH2053 Physics with Neutrons 1: Fundamentals
  • PH2054 Physics with Neutrons 2: Applications
  • PH2182 Modern X-Ray Physics 

Including topics such as quantum optics, ultrafast physics and attosecond science, various light sources from infrared to X-rays, optoelectronics, ultra cold quantum gases.

A mentor can give you advice in choosing the specific courses. If you are interested in a given research area, it may be helpful to choose a mentor working in it (e.g. the lecturers of the courses).