Mentor counseling for QST Master students

From the beginning of their studies, Master students can receive advice from a mentor. It is advisable to choose a mentor working on topics potentially interesting for a later Master’s Thesis.

The mentor counseling in the Master’s program Quantum Science & Technology aims to support the students selecting the best modules within their studies.

A mentor can help you in defining and putting together an individual study plan (e.g. when choosing the modules of the focus areas). It makes sense to select the mentor from the research area you'll want to focus your studies in. You may change your mentor at any time. Write an e-mail to the person in question or talk to her/him after a lecture and ask if he/she will be a mentor. The possible mentors are listed below.

We recommend to choose your mentor at the beginning of your studies. You have to hand in the certificate of mentor counseling latest, together with the registration of the research phase (typically at the beginning of the third semester), in the Dean’s Office of the TUM School of Natural Sciences. You will find the Dean's Office and the Office of Student Affairs at James-Franck-Str. 1, coming from the main entrance, in the corridor on the right on the left side with the room numbers 5101.EG.250 to 5101.EG.254.

Please use the following program specific form:

Report on Mentor Counseling of the Master program Quantum Science & Technology

The form 'Certificate of Mentor Counseling' can be a guideline for the discussion with your mentor.

For mentor counseling, see the notes for mentors and information for each part of the curriculum below.

Potential Mentors in the M.Sc. QST

The following persons have been nominated by the examination board as possible mentors for the QST Master's degree program.

Notes for mentors:

You should have an overview of the courses offered by the colleagues in your research area.

As a mentor you may expect initiative by the students. You do not need to provide a perfectly elaborated curriculum. You are counselor and give advice whether the module selection of the student makes sense or if they should consider and look out for further options.

Please note the information in the Wiki article on mentor counseling in the Master's degree programs of the Professional Profile Physics.