Master's Degree Program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics

The modules on the Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics Master teaches the basics and the skills required to successfully carry out research or industrial projects across the interdisciplinary boundaries between natural sciences, engineering and medicine.

Curriculum - 2024

The first year of this interdisciplinary Master program focusses mainly on lectures and one lab course, while the second year focusses on the research which builds the framework for the Master's thesis.

Semester 1 and 2 - Study phase

During the study phase, the students select and assist the lectures from the compulsory- and elective-subjects catalogue. The elective subjects cover selected topics from the research area Biomedical Engineering and introduces them into the current research, reflecting in a unique way, the broad research activity of the Physics Department and the Munich Institute of Biomedical Engineering (MIBE). The scientifically-oriented lab course and the general-education subject, which bridges the gap to the neighboring scientific areas, round off the profile of this Master program.

You must complete the following four mandatory modules in the program:

Two of the four mandatory modules must be passed by the end of the 2nd semester.

The module examinations are graded.

Master's students of the interdisciplinary program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics can choose their focus area courses out of an extensive and dynamic catalog, covering nearly all research topics pursued in our department and affiliated institutions. Students can specialize in the following areas:

The modules are assigned to the following three categories:

  • Advanced Fundamentals (at least 10 CP)
  • Methods (at least 10 CP)
  • Computing (at least 5 CP)

The following allocation rule applies: modules amounting to at least 10 CP must be completed from the Advanced Fundamentals and Methods categories and at least 5 CP must be completed from the Computing category. The division into categories is intended to ensure that you receive a sufficiently broad-based education to enable you to achieve your qualification goal.  

The modules in these categories are in themselves assigned to the two focus areas of Imaging and Biosensors. The two focus areas are intended to help you with subject-specific orientation. However, you are free to choose from both focus areas regardless of which focus area you choose.

The catalogs are updated by the Examination Board at the beginning of each academic year.

The module examinations are graded.

According to the curriculum and the general structure of the program, the BEMP Lab Course (=Advanced Practical Training) is scheduled for the 2nd semester of studies.

The advanced experiments dealing with different topics from the research area of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics are carried out, whereof the students perform one of them. The subjects of the experiments offered correspond to the research areas of the different institute from the physics department and the Munich Insitute of BioEngineering, thus facilitating future decisions regarding choices of specialization or topics for Master's theses. The topic of lab course experiments can be freely chosen from the offered catalog. Each experiment takes about 60 hours of laboratory work.

The BEMP Lab Course catalog will be given at the beginning of each studying year.

The lab course is carried out in groups of usually 3 participants. The groups are working self-dependently as far as possible. A supervisor supports the group in case that questions or problems arise.

The module is examined by a laboratory assignment in form of a pass/fail requirement. The students perfom one experiment from the catalog. The lab work is assessed on the performance in the experimental containing several steps of experimental and theoretical nature.
Every experiment involves four parts:
1. Preparation (insufficiently prepared participants may be rejected due to safety reasons).
2. Execution (20%).
3. Report (5-10 pages, 60%).
4. Discussion (duration: 15 minutes, 20%).

The module is examined by a laboratory assignment in form of a pass/fail requirement

Semester 3 and 4 - Research Phase

The research phase brings the students in direct contact with current Physics research topics from the specific scientific area of the degree program. After a period of vocational adjustment (Master’s seminar and Master’s training) students work on their own research project for the Master’s thesis. An intense supervision during the whole research phase is assured by the large number of senior scientists at the campus Garching and students benefit from the excellent research environment with a broad national and international research network.

To the scope of the one year research phase (60 ECTS) belong firstly, the development of the necessary special knowledge within a cutting-edge research line (Master's seminar) and secondly, the acquisition of the corresponding experimental or theoretical skills (Master's work experience), that are necessary for the following realization of the research project within the frame of the Master's thesis. Each of these steps conforms a module, the Master's seminar and the Master's work experience. Both modules belong intrinsically together and account in total for 30 ECTS. Subsequently, the independent research project can be carried out as part of the Master's thesis, which corresponding module comprises 30 ECTS. The research phase is completed with the Master's colloquium, the defense of the Master's thesis, within this module.

During the research phase, the fulfillment of an independent scientific work is tightly connected with the acquisition of additional skills, such as project management, team work as well as the depiction and presentation of scientific results.

  • Scientific work in own field of study
  • Literature research and professional specialization
  • The module is examined by a laboratory assignment in form of a pass/fail requirement

  • Scientific work in own field of study
  • Methodology and project planning
  • The module is examined by a laboratory assignment in form of a pass/fail requirement

  • Scientific work in own field of study
  • Independent research project
  • The module comprises the practical and/or theoretical treatment of a scientific topic, resulting in a thesis (type of assessment: research paper, 70%), and its oral presentation within the Master’s Colloquium (30%).