B.Sc. Physics
- Final thesis or research phase outside of the School
- About the Research Campus Garching as study place
- Academic Progress Check in the Degree Programs at the Physics Department
- Course registration (lectures, exercises, student seminars and lab courses)
- Credit transfer
- Cubicles for Bachelor Students
- Doppelstudium Mathematik und Physik?
- ECTS Grading Table for the Bachelor’s Program in Physics
- Endgültiges Nicht-Bestehen im Bachelorstudiengang Physik
- End of Studies and Degree Certificate
- Examination periods and registration deadlines
- Exam Registration Withdrawal in Case of e.g. Sickness in the Degree Programs in Physics
- Extension of the Thesis’ Deadline
- FPSO-Änderung für Studienbeginn ab 1.10.2020
- General-education subjects in physics programs
- Grading system at TUM
- Guided tours throught the Research Neutron Source for physics students
- Irregular Study Paths and Deviations from the Curriculum
- Leave of absence
- Legal Basis for Degree Programs and Doctoral Studies at the Physics Department
- Leistungsnachweis für BAföG-Empfänger
- Prüfungen „Kompaktmodule“ (6. Sem. BSc)
- Prüfung zum Modul "Theoretische Physik 4 [PH0008]"
- Ranking of Student Cohorts in the Bachelor’s Program Physics
- Rechtliche Grundlagen
- Registering your thesis
- Requirements on the Electronically Submitted Thesis
- Sickness
- Study-related dates and deadlines
- Submitting your thesis
- Unfall- und Laborversicherung
- What is Physics?
- Why study Physics?
- Why study physics at TUM?
M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics [BEMP]
- Final thesis or research phase outside of the School
- Academic Progress Check in the Degree Programs at the Physics Department
- BEMP Curriculum 2019
- BEMP Elective Courses 2019
- Course registration (lectures, exercises, student seminars and lab courses)
- Credit transfer
- ECTS-Einstufungstabelle für den Masterstudiengang Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
- End of Studies and Degree Certificate
- End of studies BEMP
- Examination periods and registration deadlines
- Extension of the Thesis’ Deadline
- General-education subjects in physics programs
- Grading system at TUM
- Guided tours throught the Research Neutron Source for physics students
- Leave of absence
- Legal Basis for Degree Programs and Doctoral Studies at the Physics Department
- Proof of Language Proficiency for Application to the Master Programs
- Ranking of Student Cohorts in the Master’s Programs Physics
- Rechtliche Grundlagen
- Registering your thesis
- Requirements on the Electronically Submitted Thesis
- Research Phase BEMP
- Sickness
- Study-related dates and deadlines
- Submitting your thesis
- Unfall- und Laborversicherung
- Final thesis or research phase outside of the School
- Academic Progress Check in the Degree Programs at the Physics Department
- Course registration (lectures, exercises, student seminars and lab courses)
- Credit transfer
- ECTS Grading Table for the Physics Master’s Programs
- End of Studies and Degree Certificate
- Examination periods and registration deadlines
- Extension of the Thesis’ Deadline
- General-education subjects in physics programs
- Grading system at TUM
- Guided tours throught the Research Neutron Source for physics students
- Leave of absence
- Legal Basis for Degree Programs and Doctoral Studies at the Physics Department
- Proof of Language Proficiency for Application to the Master Programs
- Ranking of Student Cohorts in the Master’s Programs Physics
- Rechtliche Grundlagen
- Registering your thesis
- Requirements on the Electronically Submitted Thesis
- Sickness
- Study-related dates and deadlines
- Submitting your thesis
- Unfall- und Laborversicherung
M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology [QST]
- Final thesis or research phase outside of the School
- Academic Progress Check in the Degree Programs at the Physics Department
- Course registration (lectures, exercises, student seminars and lab courses)
- Credit transfer
- ECTS-Einstufungstabelle für den Masterstudiengänge Quantum Science & Technology
- End of Studies and Degree Certificate
- Examination periods and registration deadlines
- Extension of the Thesis’ Deadline
- General-education subjects in physics programs
- Grading system at TUM
- Guided tours throught the Research Neutron Source for physics students
- Leave of absence
- Legal Basis for Degree Programs and Doctoral Studies at the Physics Department
- Proof of Language Proficiency for Application to the Master Programs
- Ranking of Student Cohorts in the Master’s Programs Physics
- Rechtliche Grundlagen
- Registering your thesis
- Requirements on the Electronically Submitted Thesis
- Sickness
- Study-related dates and deadlines
- Submitting your thesis
- Unfall- und Laborversicherung