Registering your Thesis using the Digital School Services
You are about to start a Bachelor's thesis, a Master's thesis or a research phase (consisting of preparatory modules and a Master's thesis)? Here you can find the steps to register such a research project.
To register your thesis, you need first to find a supervisor from the list of potential supervisors for your study program and then agree on a topic with them. Further information on this can be found on the pages of the respective degree program.
Only after agreeing on a topic with a supervisor, you can carry out the following steps to register your theses in the application "Theses" of the Digital School Services.
2. Choose a Supervisor
The supervisor must be a university lecturer included in the list of potential supervisors by the Examinations Board of your study program.
3. Enter a Topic
There are basically two options for selecting the topic after clicking on “Working title”:
- if you have agreed with the supervisor to work on one of the topics listed on the offering page, please select the respective topic,
- in other cases, please select “Own working title” and enter the working title agreed with the supervisor in German and/or English.
In any case, this is only a working title, which may change before the thesis is submitted. You need to agree the final title with your supervisor and enter it correctly before submitting your thesis.
The “Working group” is automatically set as that of the selected supervisor.
4. Start of the Thesis/Research Phase
Enter the starting date of your thesis or research phase, which is then used to calculate the last possible submission date. The start of a thesis without preparatory modules cannot be in the past. The start of a research phase with preparatory modules before the actual thesis can be backdated moderately, as long as the official start of the thesis is still clearly in the future.
5. Language
At this stage, you do not have to specify the language in which the thesis will be written. This is only a planning stage and, like the thesis title, can be adjusted until submission.
If you wish to use the confirmation of registration of the Bachelor's thesis as a preliminary language certificate when applying for one of our Master's degree programs, you can waive your right to submit the thesis in a different language by selecting “Pre-define language”.
6. Submit your Registration Form
After clicking on “Register”, you will receive a PDF form with the registration data, which must be signed by you and your supervisor and sent to the responsible Students' Office.
It is sufficient to provide the form with an electronic signature. A lower trust level for “university-internal use” e.g. with a certificate connected to your TUM-login is sufficient for registration.