Willkommen auf dem Academics-Webserver der TUM School of Natural Sciences! Vom Kleinsten bis zur Unendlichkeit, von biologischer Chemie bis zur Katalyse und Materialien – die TUM School of Natural Sciences bietet eine große Vielfalt an Studienmöglichkeiten in Physik und Chemie und legt somit ein solides Fundament für jede technik- und anwendungsorientierten Forschung.
Biochemie - Academic Program Director (APD): Prof. Johannes Buchner
Chemie - Academic Program Director (APD): Prof. Martin Elsner
Chemieingenieurwesen - Academic Program Director (APD): Prof. Olaf Hinrichsen
Lebensmittelchemie - Academic Program Director (APD): Prof. Michael Rychlik
Physik - Academic Program Director (APD): Prof. Wilhelm Auwärter
- Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (M.Sc.)
- Matter to Life (M.Sc.)
- Physik (B.Sc.)
- Physik (M.Sc.)
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (M.Sc.)
- Quantum Science and Technology (M.Sc.)
Lehramt an Gymnasien - Studiengänge „Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung“ - Academic Program Director (APD): Prof. Dr. Andreas Obersteiner
- Fachkombination: Biologie - Chemie
- Fachkombination: Mathematik - Chemie
- Fachkombination: Mathematik - Physik
Die TUM School of Natural Sciences bietet eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen an, die für alle offen zugänglich sind. Wenn der Titel einer Veranstaltung auf Deutsch (oder Englisch) angegeben ist, wird die Veranstaltung auch hauptsächlich in dieser Sprache gehalten.
Unseren Veranstaltungskalender finden Sie auf der Webseite der School
Aktuelles zu Studium und Promotion
Gender & Diversity @ TUM Sustainability Day

Our School together with the TUM School of Engineering and Design, TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology, and TUM Gender Equality Office will be present on Wednesday, June 12 starting from 12h at TUM Sustainability Day’s Fair of Opportunities.
Our program is dedicated to raise awareness and generate conversations around gender equality and diversity in our university:
12:00-18:00h Ongoing activities
- Interactive world map: Where are you from?
- Leave us a note: Why is diversity important for sustainable development?
- Set of cards: Stand up for DIVERSITY
12:30-13:00h Meet and Talk
Open conversations with:
- Prof. Donna Ankerst, CIT Vice Dean Talent Management & Diversity
- Prof. Karen Alim, NAT Vice Dean Talent Management & Diversity
- Dr. Eva Sandmann, TUM Gender Equality Officer
13:00-14:00 h Diversity Fuels Creativity
Create your own t-shirt and tell us what diversity means to you!
14:00-14:30h Meet and Talk
Open conversations with:
- Prof. Claudia Peus, TUM Senior Vice President Talent Management & Diversity
14:30-16:00h Tell the World
Send greetings from TUM all over the world!
16:00h Explore your Privileges
Privilege game
Start 16:15h
Rest of t-shirts and postcards
All students, doctoral candidates, staff and researchers are welcome to pass by and engage in any of our activities!
The venue is the Mechanical Engineering Building and you can find us in the area of “Circularity and Awareness”, stands H3-7 and 8.
More about the TUM Sustainability Day can be found at TUM Sustainability Day 2024 (
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sie finden weitere relevante Nachrichten auf unsere School-Seite zu Veranstaltungen, Kolloquien und Seminare.