Double Degree Programs
Our double degree programs offer Master students from selected partner institutions to spend three to four semesters at TUM, to deepen their knowledge in the chosen specialization and to experience TUM and Germany more closely. After successful completion of the program, students will receive the Master's degrees from their home university and from TUM.
Prior to the student's application to the TUM Office of Admissions and Enrollement, double degree applications undergo an academic pre-check at our School. Partner institutions nominate their double degree candidates, sending via email to our School Office ( the following documents:
- Letter of motivation
- CV
- Academic records: Transcripts of Bachelor and Master level studies
- Bachelor diploma
- Language certificate
For double degree students, TUM exceptionally accepts internal language certificates. Such a language certificate, issued by the partner institution, has to show an equivalent level to the required competence level of the chosen study program. This level has to clearly conform with TUM minimum requirements for language skills.
The Bachelor's diploma must be submitted ideally together with the application to the Office of Admissions and Enrollement, but at the latest five weeks after the start of the first TUM semester. This document needs to be certified.
After pre-approval of the candidate, the TUM School of Natural Sciences issues the student a letter of eligibility (nomination), which helps for a faster processing of the application by the TUM Office of Admissions and Enrollement.
Nomination deadlines
Please nominate your students by the following deadlines:
For a start in winter semester
- March 30
For a start in summer semester
October 31
After our pre-check, double degree candidates have to apply via TUM online application submitting the following documents in TUMonline:
- Letter of motivation
- CV
- Transcripts of Records of current and previous studies
- Language certificate
- Copy of passport
- If already issued, the Bachelor diploma (or equivalence) - can be submitted later at the time of enrollement
- Confirmation about health insurance - can also be submitted later at the time of enrollement
- Letter of eligibility or nomination for double degree issued by our School
Exceptions: The other documents for regular applicants (e.g. curricular analysis) are not required. The language certificate may be issued by your home institution (see previous section).
Certified documents must be handed in at the time of enrollement after admission.
Application periods
For a start in winter semester
April 1 to May 31
For a start in summer semester
September 1 to November 30
The closing dates are absolute deadlines, i. e. the online application has to be completed and submitted in TUMonline. All necessary documents have to be uploaded by then.
Double degree partners
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Degree programs:
- Master programs in Physics:
- Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics) - fully taught in English
- Physics (Biophysics), Physics (Condensed Matter Physics), Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics) - partly taught in German
Keio University (Japan)
Degree programs:
- Master programs in Physics:
- Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics) - fully taught in English
- Physics (Biophysics), Physics (Condensed Matter Physics), Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics) - partly taught in German
- Master program in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (coming soon)
Fachreferentin für Internationalisierung
Dr. Eliza Gemel
Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 14610
Büro: 5403.05.310E