Transcript of Academic Records for Exchange Program in Physics
A transcript or grade report is an official document containing the modules you have visited during your stay at TUM, including the respective amount of ECTS credits and grade you have achieved. You will only obtain a complete transcript of academic records at the end of your stay, if you registered for all your exams on time. Registering outside the registration period is not possible.
Transcripts can be easily printed out from your TUMonline account, as soon as all examinations are completed and the grades validated in TUMonline. Log in and select "transcripts" in the "studies" column on your visit card. Select the option "print certificate" to generate an transcript of your academic records. It is an automatically generated document, valid without a signature.
Do you need a signed copy of your transcript?
If you studied in the exchange program in physics and do need a signed copy of the document, you can request it to our examinations office.
Given the different final examination dates of all students, this document is not sent without your request. Please make sure that all your grades have been introduced into the system and that they have been validated (i.e. further changes of the grades are not possible). Then and only then, you can request the document by:
Ms. Natalia Hutanu
Examinations Office
TUM Excellence Center, Boltzmannstraße 17 (Research Campus Garching)
Opening Hours: Mon, Tue and Thu 8:30 – 12:00, Wed 13:00 – 16.30, closed on Friday
Tel. +49 89 289 14775
Fax +49 89 289 14779
If you are not in Germany anymore, you may contact her per e-mail and provide her with a postal address – electronic versions of the document are not available. Please consider that it may take some time for the post to arrive to you or your home institution.