Welcome to the Academics web server of the TUM School of Natural Sciences! From the smallest to the infinity, from biological chemistry to catalysis and materials - the TUM School of Natural Sciences offers a wide variety of study opportunities in physics and chemistry, laying a solid foundation for any technology- and application-oriented research.
- Biochemie (B.Sc.) – DE
- Biochemie (M.Sc.) – DE
- Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (M.Sc.) – EN
- Chemie (B.Sc.) – DE
- Chemie (M.Sc.) – DE
- Chemieingenieurwesen (B.Sc.) – DE
- Chemieingenieurwesen (M.Sc.) – DE
- Lebensmittelchemie (B.Sc.) – DE
- Lebensmittelchemie (M.Sc.) – DE
- Lehramt in Fächern Chemie und Physik studieren – DE
- Matter to Life (M.Sc.) – EN
- Physik (B.Sc.) – DE
- Physik (M.Sc.) – DE/EN
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (M.Sc.) – EN
- Quantum Science and Technology (M.Sc.) – EN