EI7319 Computational Methods in Nanoelectronics

This module is offered by Former TUM Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This module description contains descriptions of the content, learning outcomes, teaching and learning methods, and types of examination, as well as references to the current course offerings and dates for the module examination, each in the respective sections.

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EI7319 is a semester module in English at Master’s level offered in winter semester.

Unless a different student workload has been specified when exporting to a non-degree program, the scope is as shown in the following table.

Total expenseOn-campus courseScope (ECTS)
150 h60 h5 CP

Content responsible for the module EI7319 in version 2014w is undefined.

Contents, learning outcomes and prerequisites

The module will present a broad overview of computational methods useful in nanoelectronics, ranging from numerical approaches for the determination of the electronic and optical properties of nanostructures to the modeling and simulation of nanodevices.

After completion of the module students will understand the mathematical basis of various computational methods. They will be able to analyse current numerical implementations for computation and simulation of nanodevices and create new numerical strategies.

Basic Physical concepts, materials, electronic devices

For MSc EI students the following modules should be passed before taking the course:
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanotechnology

Courses, learning and teaching methods and literature references

Course nameEvent formCourse datesHours per week
Computational Methods in Nanoelectronicslecture with integrated exercises4 h

In addition to classical lectures and tutorials, the students will learn through direct use/ application of specific computational tools.
Lectures will be based on powerpoint presentations together with discussions. The computational tools will be used in the computer lab in a student centered tutorial followed by related exercises.

The following kinds of media are used:
- Presentations
- Lecture notes
- Exercises with solutions
- Interactive access to web based computational simulation tools

The following literature is recommended:
- Additional reading material, class notes and useful web sources will be provided to the students by a sharepoint system

Module exam

The examination consists in a 60 minutes long written exam. Half of the examination will be focused on answering several questions, while the second part will consist in solving directly numerical exercises.

In the first part of the written examination students demonstrate by answering questions under time pressure the theoretical knowledge of the topics discussed during the course and their connections. The second part will test their skill in directly applying computational models to solve problems in real nanoscale devices.

The final grade will be based 50% on the first part and 50% on the second part of the written test.

Modulprüfung mit folgenden Bestandteilen:
- 60 Min. schriftliche Prüfung (100%)

A repeat option is provided in the next semester.