MW0620 Nonlinear Finite Element Methods
This module is offered by TUM School of Engineering and Design. This module description contains descriptions of the content, learning outcomes, teaching and learning methods, and types of examination, as well as references to the current course offerings and dates for the module examination, each in the respective sections.
Choose a module version:MW0620 is a semester module in German at Bachelor’s level and Master’s level offered in summer semester.
- Catalog of Non-Physics Elective Courses in the Physics Master’s Programs
Unless a different student workload has been specified when exporting to a non-degree program, the scope is as shown in the following table.
Total expense | On-campus course | Scope (ECTS) |
150 h | 45 h | 5 CP |
Content responsible for the module MW0620 in version 2011w is Wall, Wolfgang A..
Contents, learning outcomes and prerequisites
In der Vorlesung werden unter anderem die folgenden Themen behandelt:
(1) Nichtlineare Dehnungsmaße
(2) Geometrische Nichtlinearität bei großen Deformationen
(3) Nichtlineare Lösungsstrategien (Newton-Raphson-Iteration, Pfadverfolgung, ...)
(4) Stabilität (Extended systems, ...)
(5) Nichtlineare Dynamik
(6) Kontaktmechanik
Courses, learning and teaching methods and literature references
Course name | Event form | Course dates | Hours per week |
Nonlinear Finite Element Methods | lecture | 3 h |
Module exam
Changing the Module Description
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For other modules, please contact the responsible School Office.