Requirements on the Submitted Thesis

There are only very few requirements on the format of the submitted thesis.

In addition to the title of the thesis and your name, the degree program for which the thesis is being submitted has to be stated on the cover page. Paper copies must be bound into a booklet or book.

With digital submission as PDF you obviously need to make sure that the supervisor and reviewers grading your thesis can actually view, read, and print the PDF file. Hence you should embed fonts and not use encryption. The first page of the PDF file (cover page) needs to contain the title of the thesis and the author.

The confirmation according to §18 (9) APSO, that the thesis represents your own work and that no other sources and/or resources than those listed were used, will be provided by the School Office, when handing in your thesis, or is included in the submission letter generated by the online thesis administration system, when uploading the PDF. If you are using a template from various sources, you may remove similar confirmations included therein.

The title in English language should conform to guidelines for the use of English in thesis titles. Entering your thesis’ title in the database you may use Unicode (see next section "Hints on entering special characters").

Hints on entering special characters

Special characters and formatting can be entered in thesis titles to a limited extent.

If your degree program is not managed via the online thesis administration, use the DSSNAT endpoint ths_check_thesis_title to perform a check of a thesis title for printability in TUM transcripts of records.

In addition to the thesis title used for TUMonline grade reports, in the online thesis administration you may enter a version in LaTeX, which is to be used for the presentation during the graduation ceremony, for example.

Greek letters can be used as Unicode characters in the thesis title. To use a Greek letter in the title of a thesis, select and copy the character below from the first column and paste it into the title field. Alternatively, you can enter Unicode characters directly using a key combination (Windows: hold down the Alt key and then press the Plus key followed by the hexadecimal Unicode and then release the Alt key).

Hex (Decimal)
ΑGreek capital letter Alpha0391 (913)
ΒGreek capital letter Beta0392 (914)
ΓGreek capital letter Gamma0393 (915)
ΔGreek capital letter Delta0394 (916)
ΕGreek capital letter Epsilon0395 (917)
ΖGreek capital letter Zeta0396 (918)
ΗGreek capital letter Eta0397 (919)
ΘGreek capital letter Theta0398 (920)
ΙGreek capital letter Iota0399 (921)
ΚGreek capital letter Kappa039A (922)
ΛGreek capital letter Lambda039B (923)
ΜGreek capital letter My039C (924)
ΝGreek capital letter Ny039D (925)
ΞGreek capital letter Xi039E (926)
ΟGreek capital letter Omikron039F (927)
ΠGreek capital letter Pi03A0 (928)
ΡGreek capital letter Rho03A1 (929)
ΣGreek capital letter Sigma03A3 (931)
ΤGreek capital letter Tau03A4 (932)
ΥGreek capital letter Ypsilon03A5 (933)
ΦGreek capital letter Phi03A6 (934)
ΧGreek capital letter Chi03A7 (935)
ΨGreek capital letter Psi03A8 (936)
ΩGreek capital letter Omega03A9 (937)
αGreek letter Alpha03B1 (945)
βGreek letter Beta03B2 (946)
γGreek letter Gamma03B3 (947)
δGreek letter Delta03B4 (948)
εGreek letter Epsilon03B5 (949)
ζGreek letter Zeta03B6 (950)
ηGreek letter Eta03B7 (951)
θGreek letter Theta03B8 (952)
ιGreek letter Iota03B9 (953)
κGreek letter Kappa03BA (954)
λGreek letter Lambda03BB (955)
μGreek letter My03BC (956)
νGreek letter Ny03BD (957)
ξGreek letter Xi03BE (958)
οGreek letter Omikron03BF (959)
πGreek letter Pi03C0 (960)
ρGreek letter Rho03C1 (961)
ςGreek letter finales Sigma03C2 (962)
σGreek letter Sigma03C3 (963)
τGreek letter Tau03C4 (964)
υGreek letter Ypsilon03C5 (965)
φGreek letter Phi03C6 (966)
χGreek letter Chi03C7 (967)
ψGreek letter Psi03C8 (968)
ωGreek letter Omega03C9 (969)
ϑGriechisches Theta-Symbol03D1 (977)
ϕGriechisches Phi-Symbol03D5 (981)
ϖGriechisches Pi-Symbol03D6 (982)
ϜGriechischer letter Digamma03DC (988)
ϝGreek letter Digamma03DD (989)
ϰGriechisches Kappa-Symbol03F0 (1008)
ϱGriechisches Rho-Symbol03F1 (1009)

Superscript, subscript, italics and bold characters can be used in the title of the thesis using HTML markup if this is justified by the content. To do this, include the character or characters that are to be formatted in the HTML tag from the second column of the following table.

italics<i>...</i>Characterisation and <i>in vivo</i> ApplicationCharacterisation and in vivo Application
bold<b>...</b>in the field <b>C</b>in the field C

HTML markup, especially italics and bold, should only be used if they are semantically necessary (e.g. in biochemistry). If you would merely prefer the title of the thesis to be printed in bold, this is no reason to use the HTML tags!

In principle, all Unicode characters that are displayed in Arial can be used. However, do not use non-standard white space, line breaks and ligatures. Specify umlauts directly ("precomposed") and do not use the transcription with U+0308 ("decomposed"). For characters that are not listed here, see the list of Unicode blocks in Wikipedia or the Unicode Consortium - ideally, however, make sure that the character is contained in Arial. Instead of the italicized or bold characters from the Unicode block "Mathematical alphanumeric symbols", please use the HTML markup from the previous section. Please avoid copying the title from a word processor such as Word or the PDF of the paper, but enter the title again in the mask - when copying from word processors or PDFs, non-standard spaces, line breaks, ligatures or umlaut transcriptions often remain.

To use a Unicode character in the title of a thesis, select and copy the character at the bottom of the first column and paste it into the title field. Alternatively, you can enter Unicode characters directly using a key combination (Windows: hold down the Alt key and then press the Plus key followed by the hexadecimal Unicode and then release the Alt key).

Hex (Decimal)
arrow to the left2190 (8592)
upwards arrow2191 (8593)
arrow to the right2192 (8594)
downwards arrow2193 (8595)
±plus/minus00B1 (177)
square root221A (8730)
integral sign222B (8747)
lower-case L in script2113 (8467)
infinity221e (8734)

If you are using Unicode characters not copied from this table, please check the printability of your thesis title at the DSSNAT endpunkt ths_check_thesis_title.

Optimization of the PDF file

If possible fill in the metadata fields of the PDF for author ("lastname, firstname") and title (the title as given in the database possibly followed by its translation separated by " / ") correctly. The upload form checks this and displays the metadata.

A suggestion for a LaTeX template for theses is available at the homepage of Philipp H. v. Loewenfeld. The TUM corporate design contains templates for final theses (in German) as well.

Should the PDF file become very large due to included high-resolution graphics, it might be useful to optimize the file using Adobe Acrobat or Ghostscript (e.g. via gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf).