This curriculum only applies to students starting their studies in the winter semester 24/25, based on the Fachprüfungs- und Studienordnung for the Bachelor's degree program in Chemical Engineering dated 28 March 2024.
Study plan B.Sc. Chemical Engineering starting in winter term 24/25
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur (GOP; nur zwei Prüfungsversuche)
Zur Modulbeschreibung CIT513013 Höhere Mathematik 1 für MW/CIW
- Vorlesung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur (GOP; nur zwei Prüfungsversuche)
Zur Modulbeschreibung CH0575 General and Inorganic Chemistry
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung PH9004 Experimental Physics for Chemical Engineering
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung CIT513014 Höhere Mathematik 2 für MW/CIW
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung CH4104 Basic Principles of Physical Chemistry
- Vorlesung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung CH2110 Analytical Chemistry and Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung MA9305 Mathematics for Engineers 3 MW/CIW
- Saalpraktikum
- Prüfungsleistung: Laborleistung
Zur Modulbeschreibung NAT0412 Lab Course in Physical Chemistry
- Saalpraktikum
- Prüfungsleistung: Laborleistung
- Dieses Modul mit den dazugehörigen Modulteilprüfungen erstreckt sich über mindestens zwei Semester
Zur Modulbeschreibung CH2109 Laboratory Course Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung CH0350 Basics of Biology and Biochemistry
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung MW2102 Introduction to Plant and Process Engineering
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung CH4114 Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetics
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung NAT0413 Organic Chemistry for Chemical Engineers
- Praktikum
- Prüfungsleistung: Übungsleistung
Zur Modulbeschreibung NAT0414 Laboratory Course in Organic Chemistry
- Praktikum
- Prüfungsleistung: Übungsleistung
Zur Modulbeschreibung CH0603 Laboratory Course in Chemical Engineering
- Vorlesung
- Übung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung ED180023 Energy Systems and Energy Conversion
Area of Study: Subject-Specific and Interdisciplinary Foundations
From the following list, you must earn 6 credits. At least 3 of these credits must be from interdisciplinary modules:
This catalog includes interdisciplinary courses. Credits can also be earned in modules from other schools or universities. The examination board continuously updates the catalog of elective modules. Changes will be announced in the study tree on TUMonline at the latest at the beginning of the semester.
- Below are some example modules listed
- Workshop
- Prüfungsleistung: Wissenschaftliche Ausarbeitung
Zur Modulbeschreibung CLA21114 Perspectives of Technology Assessment
- Vorlesung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung WI000728 Foundations of Business Administration 1
- Vorlesung
- Prüfungsleistung: Klausur
Zur Modulbeschreibung WI000729 Foundations of Business Administration 2
Student Academic Advisor Chemical Engineering
Heidi Holweck
Study Counseling TUM School of Natural Sciences
With learning workshops successfully through your studies
To cope well with everyday study life, you need various learning- and self-competences. These include different skills and abilities in areas such as time- and self-management, learning techniques and strategies, exam preparation, stress management, and motivation.
ProLehre | Media und Didactics team mainly offers one to two-day courses to enhance your study skills.
The Academic Coaching of the TUM Center for Study and Teaching focuses on courses that strengthen self-competence. These courses are more extensive in terms of time, and you can also earn ECTS credits for participation in cooperation with Kontextlehre WTG.